Family Read-Alouds All Ages Will Enjoy

If you are looking for some great reads the entire family can enjoy together, look no further than these books curated by the Unnomedia review team.

Little House on the Prairie

Laura Ingalls Wilder pictorially presents an iconic period in American history, and she’s an excellent preface to reading authors such as Willa Cather. They develop similar themes in more adult terms.

While Wilder deliberately left out the worst parts of her childhood to scare small children, such as the death of her younger brother and the day-by-day recounting of how sister Mary lost her eyesight, she still truthfully tells both about the hardships and joys of pioneer life. You will bite your nails hearing about pa’s fight against the grasshopper hordes and feel his despair at losing his crops two years in a row after having mortgaged everything he owns. You will develop a greater appreciation for how comfortable modern life is and how we moderns squander its bounty with ingratitude. Wilder’s tales of the deep love among her family members their need for, trust in, and dependence upon each other will strengthen your appreciation for and devotion to your own family.

American Tall Tales

If you need to engage the masculine side of your family and love America, you can’t go wrong by reading American Tall Tales. They’re fun for all ages—folks like whoppers just as much now as they did a century ago. Also, of course, they reveal America’s unique personality that so many people love (and hate).

For more great family reads and eBooks, check out Unnomedia.

Relax Your Mind with eBooks

eBooks help you to take some time off the real world and relax. Whenever you are reading an eBook, your mind drifts into an imaginary world. Here are some eBooks that can help you become less anxious and tense.

It Didn’t Start with You – Mark Wolynn

There are several legendary legacies passed down over generations. Any chemical imbalance of obsessive thoughts, anxiety, or chronic pain can cause brain problems. Recent scientific studies reveal that these difficulties are passed down from our great grandparents and their parents. It Didn’t Start with You is about experts working on the causes of post-traumatic stress and how to treat it.

Be Calm – Jill Weber

This ebook is ideal for individuals suffering from anxiety. Jill writes about the several strategies that can help you manage your anxiety problems from the spot. These strategies involve advanced techniques that comprise the latest psychology research. After you are done reading this novel, you will know how to react to anxiety problems.

Little Book of Mindfulness – Patricia Collard

Patricia mentions that mindfulness is the easiest way to let go of stress and live in the moment. She goes ahead and talks about how difficult it is becoming to control the modern digital world. Also, the author provides 5-and-10-minute practices that you can incorporate into your daily schedule. In turn, this will help you find freedom and live a peaceful life.

Are you looking for more relaxing eBooks? Don’t hesitate to visit

The best ways to relax in the fall

Although the sun and warmth make summer the feel-good season of the year, many people find fall – or autumn, depending on what part of the world you live in – a soothing month.

There’s much to admire – the beautiful autumnal colours of the leaves on the trees, the comforting food and drink, like stews, soups and hot chocolate (for pumpkin spiced everything if you like).

Of course, fall can be a stressful time too as schools and universities start their new semesters then, which can mean a new chapter in the lives of many students and teachers. It is therefore essential to find the best way you can to find some relaxation time in fall.

Here are some of the best ways to chill out and destress in fall:

Explore nature around you

Ok, so you might not be donning that summer dress or pulling on the hiking shorts, but there is still a lot to admire about the world around you. Wrap up warm, go for a walk and see the multi-coloured leaves blowing in the wind and breath in that nice fresh air.

Bake some treats

Eating cakes and freshly-baked bread can be comforting, but so can making it. There is something quite therapeutic about rolling dough and mixing together all the ingredients, not to mention the sense of achievement you get at the finished product.

Hook up with friends

As the days get shorter and the weather is a little less favourable, it can be quite easy to retreat into our shells and effectively hibernate. However, that can lead to us introverting and getting down. Meeting up with friends for a coffee (a pumpkin spiced latte if you must) can be a great way to unwind and destress.

Find more great ways to relax with the books at

Three ways that reading helps you relax and improves your life

Reading is undeniably good for your health, whether as escapism or improving other attributes, here are just three ways that reading helps you relax and improves your life.

Stress Reduction

Stress is a huge problem in the modern world, from causing angry outbursts, muscle problems to even causing heart attacks, it is something that people strive to find a way to reduce and reading is an excellent way to lower your stress levels. Whether your stress is coming from family, friends, money worries, work or a million other possible sources, reading can help you to let go of it. Though it won’t solve the problem you are facing, it can help you to let go of it all for a while and slip off into another world, another life or another time for a while.

slow down and relax

Mental Agility

Just like any other muscle your brain needs exercise and reading is an excellent way to exercise the brain cells. Not only does it help develop new ways of thinking based on the knowledge gaining from reading, but reading books has also been shown to have a big impact of memory. From slowing and even preventing Alzheimer’s and Dementia, to improving powers of recall in short-term memory, reading is good exercise for your brain.

Girl doing yoga at the beach, at sunset time


It’s one thing to find yourself relaxing when you read a book, but did you know that reading can also bring about inner peace and tranquility? Reading certain books has been shown to lower blood pressure, bring about a sense of calm, balance mood swings caused by mood disorders and even helped those suffering from mild types of mental illness.

To find out more ways to relax and improve your health, visit where we have information on the best ways to relax and improve your lifestyle.